Live World Music

4-Days of eclectic and world-renowned musicians destined to leave you longing for the full realization of divine love in this world.  Featuring artists the four corners  of the spherical world, be prepared to experience the “evolutionary force of contemporary music.”

 Click Here for the Line Up!

Intentional Bass Music

When the sun goes down and the stars scatter the sky, we will gather till sunrise to move our bodies and souls to the squishy wobbles of some of the transformational festival scene’s finest producers.

Live acts will be featured at the Unifier Field, a full size stage designed by Zebbler Studios and others.

Yoga & Sacred Movement

Because Unifying requires a well tended inner flame and utmost flexibility. Spend the days developing your yoga practice with a wide array of movement modalities & meditation practices from some of the Northeast’s best teachers. Afroflow, AcroYoga and more…

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Tribal Belly Dance, Dance, Cirque & Performances

A festival within the festival, Tribal Belly Dancers be prepared for full days of intensive workshops from the country’s top instructors. At night, the show moves to the full-size performance stage directly adjacent to the Unifier Field (main) Stage with choreographed troupe performances, aerial silks, fire shows & more.

There will be a series of Belly Dance Intensives, ranging from 90 minutes to 2 hours in the Dance Pavilion.  These are available for an additional $45 each, which helps support the teachers. There will also be several Belly Dance workshops taught throughout the weekend for free.

Belly Dance Intensives & Dance Workshop Lineup!

Circus Folk and Movement Performances!

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