Spiraling Closer: A Contact Improvisation Class with Justis Hatch

We will be exploring the spiral nature of our movements and musculature as a means of dancing in contact. Using the balance of inherent yin and yang forces we will meet each other as uniquely complete beings playing in the field of touch. Discover how the meeting of opposite polarities powers us into movement and connection. We will play with leading/following, pushing/yielding, stabilizing/flowing, and basing and flying to create our dance together. No previous experience necessary! Contact Improvisation is a fun and safe way to play with touch. Come with curiosity. Justis has been dancing at festivals since the 80’s when he was following the Grateful Dead. He first discovered Contact Improvisation(CI) in 1991 and has been practicing ever since. He is a certified Kripalu yoga teacher and holds certificates in Kripalu bodywork and Thai Massage. He is currently on the board of directors for Earthdance where he can share his love of CI with the international contact community. “I am deeply interested and intrigued by dance as a form of spiritual practice. I believe that dance has the same or greater potential to affect a person’s liberation as yoga practice or meditation. The opportunity inherent in improvisational dance is to let go of anticipation, expectations and pre-conceived notions of self. Contact improvisation has the even greater potential for self realization in that it is an inherent laboratory for perceiving ourselves in relationship to others.” – Justis Hatch


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Unifier Festival is a Healing and Expressive Arts Festival, A Sacred World Music Festival, and a Beach Party. Immerse Yourself in Nature on 417 community owned acres in the foothills of the Berkshires

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